Voles vs. Mice: What’s the difference?

 In Extermination, Uncategorized

It’s not easy to tell the difference between a mouse and a vole. These two rodents look so similar that voles are often (incorrectly) referred to as field mice! They are about the same size and both have adorable round ears. However, they have different-coloured fur.

In general, mice are grey, and voles are brown with a white stomach. That said, there are other ways to tell these two rodents apart.

EExterminateur explains how to tell the difference between a mouse and a field mouse.

What is a mouse?


The mouse is a rodent that is commonly found in Quebec. It has a distinct appearance and behaviour.

Physical characteristics

Mice are larger than voles. They typically have grey fur. Mice can measure up to 20 cm long, head to tail, and weigh up to 50 grams. Unlike voles, mice have large ears and larger eyes.


Mice are rodents that can reproduce faster than voles. Mice usually live between two to three years. Female mice can give birth to 4 to 16 offspring at a time and have between 7 to 8 litters a year. No wonder we often find them in our homes! They are looking for shelter and food. Mice are also very active at night, unlike voles. They particularly love your attic and garage.

Mice have wide-ranging diets and eat 3 grams of food a day. As a rodent, they eat grains, fruits and vegetables. Mice have even been known to eat meat and the scraps in your trash.

Did you know: Mice and voles don’t hibernate. Both rodents are active year-round and look for food wherever they can find it!


What is a vole?


Often confused with mice, voles are also rodents that may live in your yard or house.

Physical characteristics 

Voles have brown or reddish fur and a white stomach. They are smaller than mice, reaching a length of 11 cm and weighing up to 30 grams.Their tail, eyes and ears are smaller than those of a mouse. It can even be difficult to make out their ears through their fur.


Voles are livelier than mice. They are nimble creatures and can jump very high and squeeze into tight spaces. Female voles have between 2 and 4 litters a year, giving birth to 3 to 6 young at a time. Voles can live up to 1 year. They live mainly in the countryside.

A vole’s diet is also quite varied. Voles eat plants, vegetables, berries and insects.Everything in your yard or garden can be a source of food.


How do you deal with mice or voles in your home?

By the time you notice a mouse or vole in your room, it’s often too late. You can get a preventative caulking service to keep them from getting inside.Have these rodents already taken over your house? Call a mouse exterminator ASAP.

While you’re waiting for the exterminator, you can take several simple steps to keep mice and voles out of your home. Caulk and seal entry points, set up mouse traps, put away your garbage cans and remove any food source that these rodents could reach.


Do you have mice or voles in your home? Call E.Exterminateur!

Mice and voles are a lot more different than they first seem. These rodents look alike, but they have their own unique characteristics. Don’t be fooled by their adorable appearance! They are both invasive and can damage your home.

It’s important to be proactive and prevent a mouse infestation. You can take several simple steps to ward them off. Once they’re already in your home, however, you’ll need to call in an exterminator.

If you have mice or voles in your home, contact E.Exterminateur ASAP. Our team will find the best solution to get rid of these pests for good. Plus, your first in-home estimate is free!

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