How to get rid of bed bugs fast and permanently
Bed bugs are common pests in Quebec and can cause serious problems once they have invaded your home. Getting rid of these particularly invasive and tough little bugs is not an easy task.
It is important to know what causes bed bugs to appear and how to detect their presence.
To help you fight these pests, the Montreal exterminators of E.Exterminator explain how to eliminate bed bugs fast and permanently.
Causes of bed bugs
The main cause of a bed bug infestation is… humans. This is because bed bugs feed on our blood. Therefore, where there are humans, you are more likely to find bed bugs.
There is no one single cause for bed bugs in your home. Even a clean house can be infested. Generally, bed bugs are brought in from outside and transported on fabrics or on your body. Bed bugs are resilient and can go for many months without feeding, which makes getting rid of them quickly a challenge.
In your home, bed bugs are mainly found in bedding. They are typically found on pillows, sheets and mattresses.
Did you know? Bed bugs can also be introduced into your home by other intruders such as bats!
How to detect bed bugs
Before knowing how to get rid of bed bugs, you need to know how to detect their presence in your home and if your home has a pest problem.
There are 3 main signs that you are dealing with bed bugs:
- Bites on your body: like mosquito bites, bed bugs leave red, itchy marks. If your body is covered in these bites, this is the first sign that bed bugs have infested your home.
- Black spots on your bedding: since they live in your bed, bed bugs leave behind droppings on your sheets, mattress or pillow. If you notice these small black spots, you’ll no doubt have to eliminate bed bugs.
- Bloodstains on your sheets: because bed bugs live in your bed, you may crush them during your sleep. Small traces of blood will then be visible on your bed.

Characteristic black spots from bed bugs

Bed bug bites on the body.
How to get rid of bed bugs fast and permanently
The process of getting rid of bed bugs can be summed up in 3 words: wash, throw away and decontaminate. This is because pest decontamination is the only solution.
Bed bugs are particularly invasive and resistant. To get rid of them, the first step is to wash all fabrics that may be contaminated by these pests. Wash your sheets and clothes at high temperatures to kill bed bugs.
It is also important to throw away objects and furniture that may have been contaminated and cannot be washed. The mattress is one of the items you will need to get rid of if you have a bed bug infestation. Discard any other objects or furniture bed bugs have been in contact with as well.
Decontamination is always necessary after an infestation. This is to thoroughly decontaminate the house. Since these pests are very small and very resistant, decontamination by a professional exterminator is the only effective solution to eliminate bed bugs for good.
How to kill bed bugs: Decontamination
Anything that can’t be washed or thrown away must be decontaminated. This is the only effective way to kill bed bugs and eliminate them fast.
To do this, it is necessary to hire an expert exterminator who will decontaminate the area effectively and permanently. Insecticides are generally used by professionals to kill bed bugs.
Since these products can be powerful, you may have to leave the premises during the decontamination process.
E.Exterminateur will exterminate your bed bugs
Getting rid of bed bugs is not easy. They are small and very resilient pests. Unlike other intruders that can be easier to exterminate, bed bugs cannot be eradicated by yourself – professional help is unavoidable.
Bed bugs need to be permanently removed. This is why decontamination is necessary. Our teams use the right products and methods to solve your bed bug problem quickly and safely.
Contact us now! Our team will be happy to come to your home and eliminate bed bugs fast once and for all. Don’t wait any longer! You can even get a free consultation with our exterminators in Montreal.
Get a free consultation by our exterminators in Montreal!